About NZ Made Flouncy


Hi, I'm Trace...

Nature lover - Colour wearer - Flouncy maker!
Growing up in rural NZ we always had dreary practical “home clothes.”
Pass downs, patched pants, and a big box of Bata Bullets in multiple sizes from our cousins ready for our feet to grow into.
My Mum had a sewing room at the end of the hall which was always piled high with mending.
I loved this room and spent hours revamping old clothes.
I would cut the worn middle out of old sheets, tie-dye the good bits and make tops, skirts and shorts to wear at the beach. 
I made puppets out of old socks and dolls clothes out of carefully chosen fabric scraps.
We were brought up not to be wasteful and I loved the unique creations in my wardrobe.
Finishing school lead me to the city, working in fashion & costume for a gazillion years, but I finally made it back to the country -
this time, the “home clothes” are bright, super fun and unique...
Of course it's Flouncy Gardenwear... made by ME... with all the care and sustainable values I was brought up with.

Flouncy was designed from my own gardening & fruit picking experience.
I had become concerned for my skin spending long hours outdoors.
After sunburn through lightweight clothes, I decided a decent cover up was essential. 
Let's wear colourful, fun florals that make us smile while we work & have the pretty prints disguise the grubbiness!
Quality medium weight 100% cotton gives durability & breathability as well as a great coverall.
There's no scratchy sticks on the inside wearing Flouncy - super easy to step out of the mess at the door!

Not limited to the garden - rock the Flouncy 'ralls about town...
Fashion meets workwear - Yay!
I hope you enjoy wearing Flouncy as much as I do.
Thank you for choosing New Zealand made goodness.
Trace X